The Happy Prince and Other Tales von Oscar Wilde | ISBN 978-3-7364-1035-0 | E-Book online kaufen -
Wilde, OscarThe Happy Prince and Other TalesUnterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
E-Book, anboco (2016)Format: EPUB (mit Wasserzeichen)
1,49 €
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The Happy Prince and Other Tales (sometimes called The Happy Prince and Other Stories) is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde first published in May 1888. It contains five stories: 'The Happy Prince', 'The Nightingale and the Rose', 'The Selfish Giant', 'The Devoted Friend', and 'The Remarkable Rocket'.



The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Wilde, Oscar

E-Book, 500 S.

Sprache: Englisch

anboco (2016)

Gewicht: 0 g

ISBN-13: 978-3-7364-1035-0

Titelnr.: 59121156

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